Smart airports are being implemented throughout the world due to an increase in innovative technologies and a rise in passengers using smartphones and tablets, which also increases the overall passenger experience. Smart airport processing, smart parking, smart airport, smart airport, smart airport, smart airport, smart airport, smart airport.
It is estimated that the smart airport market will be over $850 million by 2020 within the Middle East region such as Iraq, Egypt, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan and the Gulf countries.
Not to mention, Statista's latest report revealed and revised with 74% of passengers will be self-check, 64% of passengers will be self-board at departure gates with 52% using biometric only and 58% of passengers will use self-boarding gates at arrivals.
The Airport Automated Security Screening Systems market is set to hit $2350 million USD by 2024. outbound traversers.
All of these changes show the need for all airports to start transforming their IT and security services within their airports.
On the 16-17 of May, the 4th Airport Security & IT Summit will head to Barcelona for two days of intensive case studies, interactive sessions and a panel discussion including numerous networking opportunities. The summit will provide an ideal platform for aviation security professionals and IT experts to discuss new advances in processes and technology to improve the overall airport experience.
Attendees will learn the latest in airport digitalization, technology advances in passenger screening, blockchain use cases and best practices, machine learning and smart intelligence solutions. They will also gain in-depth knowledge of airport development, experimental security and the changing environment and future of airport security.
Our expert speakers will also cover passenger experience and how to improve passenger throughput without damaging security plus securing and protecting passenger data.
In order to cover all of these key topics while emphasizing the need to connect physical infrastructure to cyberspace, the fourth edition has introduced two separate tracks; Airport Security (Track A) and Airport IT (Track B.)
Our plenary sessions will focus on airport digitalization and future cybersecurity risks while highlighting key issues around onboard alerts through virtual security inspection of aircraft and insights into the UK Aviation Sector and Performance-based Oversight.
For more information about the summit and learn about the speakers, download your free brochure today!