1. Hi, Amin, it’s our pleasure to meet the chairman of the Voice Innovation Summit. Could you tell us a bit more about your professional background?

My fascination with technology led me to pursue a Bachelors in Electrical Engineering and a Masters in Innovation & Entrepreneurship from Imperial College London. I host the Imperial College Business Podcast where I speak to innovators, entrepreneurs & academics on disruptive technologies and how they will impact the world around us. I currently work with the Channel Sales team in Apple covering the Western European region.


 2.  Why is it so crucial to talk about Voice nowadays?

The global rate of adoption for voice assistants is simply too high to ignore. Whether you believe in voice or not, there is no denying that it is the most native form of communication for humans. Technology has always been about making our lives simpler, and voice does just that by removing friction between us and the electronic devices we interact with every day. The days of clicking, swiping, typing and pressing are soon to be replaced by simple voice commands that take much less time... this is super exciting!


3. What are the benefits of Voice Interfaces for businesses?

The world’s top businesses have historically succeeded due to an obsession with the customer experience. The less barriers between a product or service and a customer, the better the engagement, and an engaged customer is proven to spend more and spend often. Voice is the medium with the least level of friction compared to any other alternative a business could offer and it certainly will be the dominant choice for consumers when the technology matures. 


4. Could you share with us your predictions regarding the Voice applications?

We will see a behavioral change where it’s more acceptable for people to talk to their smartphones or headphones in public without it seeming bizarre or unusual. Brands will adopt a specific ‘Voice Persona’ which customers will associate it with, replacing the perception of a company being a big building and more about being a human with a personality!


5. Why join the World Voice Innovation Summit this year in Barcelona?

The Summit brings together leaders in the industry who are utilizing this exciting emerging technology that will impact the lives of people from around the world – There’s no better place to learn about what is to come than to hear it directly from those that are at the forefront of the world of voice!

 Would you like to learn more about the World Voice Innovation Summit? Then, request your brochure here.